What is Expunction?
Expunction is the ability to have all records of an arrest and resulting case destroyed by all parties that has an such records. The law that governs expunctions is TEXAS CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, TITLE 1. CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, CHAPTER 55. EXPUNCTION OF CRIMINAL RECORDS.
To sum up all the legal mumbo jumbo, a person may be entitled to have a case expunged if the case was dismissed outright, and not through deferred adjudication (with the exception of class C Misdemeanors). Dismissals resulting from Deferred Adjudication are typically entitled to NON- DISCLOSURE.

As for an Expungement, the case has to either be dismissed or you must have obtained a not guilty at trial. In both cases, if a person is charged with a new offense prior to completion of an expunction, then you may forfeit the ability to get one. There are a number of technical rules, waiting periods, and issues that may make you eligible for an expunction.
As you know, having a criminal record, even if it dismissed, can keep you from getting a job or affect your ability to move up. There are many other reasons to consider getting an expunction. If you want to know if you qualify for an expunction, please call now.